Thursday, November 5, 2009

What do I like to do????

I definetely love to read, specially novels of fiction and drama; i like to read because by reading I am able to let my imagination run wild; besides when I read I become very involved with the plot of the story; actually when I start reading, I cannot stop easily.
My favorite writers are JK Rowling; Mary Higgings; Stephanny Meyer, and Agatha Christie. I have read the majorite of their books, I enjoy a lot Rowling´s creativity and imagination for me Harry Potter is an amazing story, it is a mixture of gothic with magic realism; moreover, the author is very detailed she takes care of every single deteail, all the characters, places, and issues are interconnected like a spiderweb. I disagree when people refer to her novels as childish because they are not, there are several things that can be understood just by adults because there are hidden messages, that is what i like how you have to learn to decode those secret messages.
On the other hand, I like a lot suspense and detective stories, theses two genders are Higgings and Christe´s styles. I love to read something in which you believe that X is the murder and then suddenly the gulty is the person that you would never expect.

Another thing that I love to do is to watch television; I like many TV programs such as CSI (Miami, New York, and Vegas), Bones; Criminal Minds, Dr. House, Smallville, Grey’s anatomy, and vampires` diaries, among others. Moreover, I like a lot of cartoons such as the Simpson, Inuyasha, and the sailor moon, among others…

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